Wonderful World of Animation
Located in Los Angeles, California
Providing Our Clients the Highest Quality Animation Art Available!

We love that we get to sell the most fun art in the world! - Our clients love that we’re constantly on the hunt for that special piece!

Since 1993, Wonderful World of Animation has been recognized as one of the world's leading animation art galleries and prides itself on being a "go to" destination for collectors.

Our adventures began when avid collector Debbie Weiss said “That’s All Folks!” to a successful career on Wall Street to start the gallery and share her passion for animation. By offering the highest quality art at a fair price coupled with outstanding customer service, Weiss employs integrity and excellence as guiding principles towards our primary goal; to build lasting relationships with clients.

Weiss’ own enviable collection is one of the largest in the world and her expertise led Animation magazine to honor her as one of the “12 most influential people in the industry.” Recognized both in the USA and abroad, Weiss has offered insight to animation art collecting through a variety of domestic and international media. She has appeared on CNN, Forbes, and the BBC (TV and radio) and authored countless articles for periodicals including Collectors Showcase, Collectables, Animated Life, and Memorabilia.

Sharing knowledge with customers and offering guidance is extremely important to Weiss for she has always championed the belief of an informed sale. It is this honest and upfront attitude, as well as a genuine love of animation art, that has kept her at the top of the industry.

Wonderful World of Animation specializes in rare, one-of-a-kind vintage Disney art such as pre-war Master Set-Ups and Concept Art by such legends as Mary Blair and Gustaf Tenggren in addition to Peanuts Comic Strips. Our vast inventory with thousands of original art pieces can be accessed online at www.AnimationArtGallery.com. If you can’t find something there that suits you, let us know!

We love to help with your collecting needs! If you would like to make an appointment or have any Customer Service questions,
give us a call at 310-836-4992 or email us at [email protected].

We are located at
3435 Wilshire Blvd | Ste. 2420 | Los Angeles, California | 90010